Accelerator Application Development and Demonstration (A2D2)


The Accelerator Applications Development and Demonstration (A2D2) research tool is a test platform that fosters development of new electron beam radiation-driven chemical processes and evaluates new ideas for electron-beam applications. Several research partners, including federal agencies, universities and industrial firms, are using the platform to conduct proof-of-concept studies for various applications.

A2D2 is an electron linear accelerator, or linac, located in HAB that has been configured to provide the desired electrons for applications. Composed of a normal conducting multi-cell cavity that operates at a frequency of 2.85 GHz and a thermionic electron gun, it is powered by a classic Klystron amplifier. Once the electrons are accelerated through the resonating structure, they are collimated by thin slits positioned around a 270-degree bending magnet. When combined, these electrons have a narrow momentum spread and are well focused leaving the vacuum window. The maximum beam power the machine can provide is approximately 1.2 kW, and the electron kinetic energy is 9 MeV. The beam shape is gaussian at our typical distance to the sample with a beam sigma of 8.8 cm. A2D2 is capable of delivering varying dose rates from 0.2 to 1.2 kGy/sec.

Accelerator Applications Development and Demonstration (A2D2)


A2D2 Work Request

The external collaborator or internal division (“requester”) must submit an A2D2 Work Request Form with the assistance of an IARC team member. The form has information that will allow IARC to determine feasibility, general safety concerns and an estimate of funding for the scope of work. Cost to do work in A2D2 comes from labor to prepare samples, labor to run the tool and machine operating costs like maintenance and power. IARC will review the form and respond with questions, if applicable. If approved, the requester will work with IARC to prepare a scope of work (SOW). The SOW can be used as the first step in developing a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) or a Strategic Partnership Project (SPP).


All samples are to be mailed to the A2D2 Operations Lead at Fermi National Accelerator Lab.

Slavica Grdanovska
Illinois Accelerator Research Center
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
P.O. Box 500
Batavia, IL 60510